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Version: current

Scheduled Meeting - Fetch a scheduled meeting

This API fetches details of a scheduled meeting using the provided meetingId. Required OAuth scope: meeting:read - To grant permission to read the scheduled meeting details

Path Parameters
    meetingId string required

    The ID of the meeting.

Header Parameters
    Content-Type string

    The content type should be application/json

    Example: application/json


  • Array [
  • jiomeetId string

    The unique identifier for the JioMeet session.

    topic string

    The topic or title of the meeting.

    startTime date-time

    The start time of the meeting in ISO format.

    endTime date-time

    The end time of the meeting in ISO format.

    scheduledDuration integer

    The scheduled duration of the meeting in milliseconds.

    meetingUrl uri

    The URL to join the meeting.

    status string

    The current status of the meeting.

    pin string

    The PIN required to join the meeting room.

    _id string

    The system-generated unique identifier for the meeting.

  • ]